Monday, April 19, 2010

Rolling The Ball

OK so I must write again.

Well It's not that I have to in case my head blows up or something, but I just didn't take any notes today at all. There was plenty to consider, that's for damn sure but I just didn't make the time. I went for Chinese food and that took damn near the whole day.

I didn't have a great day really. Started off very very tired in bed. Last night we had opportunity to have a lock-in in Doyle's. For those who are not familiar with a lock-in, it's when a pub closes for the night... but continues serving alcohol to only a few select customers. So I was one of that few and waited a few minutes to see what the buzz was going to be like. I have to say, I wasn't particularly moved to miss out on important sleep in order to get drunk. The company was good though I have to say. If I'd had had a few more hours sleep the night before I definitely would have been interested. It just wasn't happening. Saturday was busy all day for me, much like Friday. So it was important that I should get just a few hours of shut-eye for once. Some might say, "yeah Matt has no job, he can sleep all he likes". No I can't. I, unlike you, cannot simply distract my mind with tedious boring work. I have to try create stuff to do... Interesting stuff. And sometimes that stuff takes me a little longer to do than normal stuff would. Usually I am so interested in it that I don't get much sleep at all... besides, I don't like the idea of killing my living hours with sleep anyway. I get the bare minimum.

So Sunday started with a lie-in. It was good. Good while it lasted. I left my house with the best intentions in mind. I like to keep my head clear and judgement free. I went to town with vigour and a spring in my step, despite the clawing hands of tiredness pulling at my eyelids. I went jumping from shop to shop and I continued on in a good frame of mind.

I got Chinese... Or Chi-a-nese if you prefer. I dealt with some stuff. And then it hit me like I haven't experienced in years... My brain went into shut-down. I could operate no longer. I had dealt with some heavy stuff in the week preceding this and then just hit a wall. I could not stand and I could not talk. It was a strange experience.

I came home and played some Fallout 3. I watched knocked-up. I then discovered that the immersion is knackered and had a quick cold wash. That takes me up to the present time.

So, this boring blog is a lesson to all of those who don't take their brain seriously. It needs rest, even if you don't use it that much (as I don't). If you over work it, you will be of no use either... you will write tedious drivel that goes on and on and never makes a point about anything. You will miss lock-ins and you will miss your chance to write 750 words worth of meaningful stuff for no one but yourself, but you might actually feel like it was worth it after a short pause of consideration.

I noticed today that I never write about any serious issues like politics, crime, drugs, alcohol, broken homes, teenage pregnancy, disease, war or death all that much. I will be considering all of these soon enough... I think I have enough ammo in this murmur of information that passes through my head and fingers to do it. But to be honest, all of these bad things usually have an equal root problem associated with them - ignorance. Yep, I would be brave enough to proclaim at this point that ignorance is the cause of pretty much any social ailment you can think of. Death - ignorance of health. Famine - ignorance of suffering. Pregnancy - ignorance of safe sex, Alcoholism -ignorance of problems and tolerance. I don't know if you will agree or not (and frankly I don't care) but after just a momentary flash of intuition, I am pretty sure they are that simple. Not easy to cure however, but simple to identify.

Anyway, this has been long enough. If you have a request of something I should bang on about, email me and let me know... or else I would be forced to dig out the past (Something I don't like doing even if it's just my previous note books) and see if I can fuss over something I'm not happy I wrote for a while.


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