Saturday, April 17, 2010

One, Two, Three - Shut Up

it would really irk me if I wrote nothing here today.

I mean it's not like I haven't written at all, In fact I've been scribbling a lot all day. I read the rest of "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" on the bus to Swords today, then helped my brother buy a new laptop, then tried fix my nephew's laptop, while in the mean time juggling a lotta stupid stuff on my own. I then got on the bus home and wrote for the whole distance from Swords to the city centre. That could be like 45mins to an hour solid of writing. And here I am, at the end of it all, before going out for the night writing a silly blog that probably won't say anything constructive really.

On the other hand, I did start to read "Candide" by Voltaire today. I have been meaning for a while to actually read the work and not just the quotes of Mark Twain and Voltaire (the only 2 I care to mention at present) instead of just liking the guy's state of mind. So I did. I finished a Mark Twain novel (and enjoyed it a lot) and set about on Voltaire. After just 3 chapters of Candide, I am starting to see the point of the blog, not necessarily this one here, but in entirety. I wanted to embrace the point of language and writing instead of just reading everyone else's. I just wanted to do it for the point it served me personally as opposed to anything anyone else might glean from it. In Voltaire's novel, as I've grasped at the moment, an optimistic boy is curious to test the boundaries of cause and effect and the ultimate point to everything while remaining loyal to the fact that it is to serve the best possible reason as opposed to the greater good. I guess that's a similar shot to where my blogs go. As far as I'm concerned, writing them serves for the best ie; it helps me keep the clutter out of the attic. In the mean time, it might serve the greater good, if anyone takes anything positive from it. I'm not sure that is the case, but I am confident that either positive or negative things taken from it only serve to make things better overall. One thing they will serve in either case is understanding, whether it be deep or shallow, negative or positive, useful or useless. From these "positions" alone, people can definitely take something good from it. You can think I'm an ass, you could think I was wise, you could think I'm depressed or the happiest guy alive and treat me as such. If that serves you well, then my job is done.

But help is merely a by-product of anything I may write. These are purely selfish in the extent that they are foremost for my benefit and then yours afterwards, but as I hold myself in an honest standing, there is no reason you should get nothing from reading it, even if it is only for entertainment. Now, it may also be possible that you would think I am selfish for engineering a blog in order to talk about what is on my mind. What else do you expect? Can I mind read? Can I write about what's on your mind? I can speculate... In fact that is a favourite past time of mine. But I cannot write from your perspective, only my own. There is no such thing as a selfish person... only one that is generous to themselves first. But I would ask that anyone who would think I were selfish to judge my character fairly and not make snap decisions based on how they would like me to treat them personally. I treat everyone the same way.

Anyway, I'm not sure where this was going as I haven't stopped to think. Thinking is generally overrated anyway... well at least it is for me. It usually makes me miserable. Or apprehensive. Or melancholy. Or something ridiculous like that. The only thoughts I can justify at any length are those that I have while walking with my earphones in or nostalgia... which is more a feeling triggered by the timelessness of the senses... a smell that carried over, a song that reminded me of where I first heard it and so on. I would like to think that anyone I know would not be a calculated character for calculated characters are not as great as they feel. Their routines are boring. An instinctive character is more admirable I think. That eliminates a hell of a lot you say?

Nope. I didn't say individuality has to suffer, did I?

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