Friday, April 16, 2010

Words Cannot Express...

They are only words.

There are only a limited amount we will use on a daily basis. I myself don't use a hell of a lot. I am not very eloquent nor am I educated to even a 3rd level degree. But I do like to make specific what it is I'm trying to say. I try to make it clear and concise. Sometimes i wish I had a better use of the English language when words fail me. Sometimes I sit for a moment and try think of a word that better suits what it is I'm trying to express. Then it hits me and I continue. Usually I don't bother thinking of a word that needs a lot of thinking about. So long as I hammer down what it is I'm trying to say at any given time, I do not care much for words. And I don't much care for sentiment either. I think I only speak what I need to speak. What I personally need to speak, I mean.

That's not to say that I am against others using expressive language by any degree. There is no way that I would turn my back on learning a new expression or phrase so as better to express myself in future. I just say what I feel is right at the time and I feel that if I put too much emphasis on trying to sugar coat any expression then it's laboured and somewhat contrived. I would be likely to stop talking about something when I feel like I've had enough, much to the bemusement of my company at the time.

And then it reminds me of songs and lyrics. I love music as an expressive form and I love it's timelessness. I love songs that are about feeling and experience, but I'm not so fond of those that are about specific occasions or specific people so much. Metaphorically, it's OK to sing and write of someone, but when you're addressing people in particular or rather, particular people :P or particular occasions like birthdays, weddings and the like, it's just a bit... shallow. That's when words just become words for the sake of it. When you sing about "October" or something, it may be possible that it's ongoing, as we are likely to live through many in the course of our lives. Putting the singular name "October" on a song can give it a timeless feel, don't you think?

So I have been thinking of words, the words we use every day and the Oxford dictionary kind. I think the people who really really love words and feel as I do about them, set out to create newer ways to express themselves. There can be more to words, I know. But lately I have been feeling like mine, both spoken and typed, may as well be chopped up and put into a blender. Generally, everything we say to each other day to day is the same few words mish-mashed into different combinations to mean different things, to signify what we feel inside. But I'm not sure that anyone, myself included, really does ourselves a justice in how we express what we really feel at any given time. Recently, I have tried not to say anything I didn't mean to anyone. It's likely that I have before, said things to people to ease their feelings, to ease an argument or to ease tensions or anything else you might suspect. It's fair to say at this point to anyone I have talked to lately, that I have been virtuous to both my principles and their inquiry to the use of words and sentiment in any given situation. Words are so easily spoken. And they are easily used as ammo to offend others even when our moods don't rightly approve of that. "And yet you start to recoil
Heavy words are so lightly thrown"

It's fair to say that actions do speak louder than words, well, when words become useless. When you've had such a long fight for sake of feelings you cannot express or explain. When only your body or your willingness to participate further in a situation runs to a close. When words don't work any more, we have chemistry, bodily and facial expressions to rely on. There is a whole lot more to life than the words we write, the words we speak and the way we do each to the best of our abilities. Words should flow easily because we want to say what is in our heart or in our minds not to direct the attention away from it. Otherwise, what use would words really have? Why bother to speak at all?

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